289 results for Public Ministry


Worship in Times of Crisis and Trauma
This panel discussion provides insight to manage disasters and traumas in the congregation and...
WomanPreach! Inc.
This network supports women to use their voices in ministry for justice and Womanist concerns....
The Stranger: Immigrants, Scripture and the American Dream
This 42-minute video puts a human face on immigration by featuring the stories of individuals...
web resource
EmPOWERED to Serve
This online platform by the American Heart Association reduces health disparities and supports...
web resource
Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations
This website shares timely data about U.S. congregations and how they are impacted by...
web resource
Who is my Neighbor?
This series of articles shares the story of Westbury UMC's refugee resettlement ministry as a...
Mental Health Tips for African Americans to Heal after Collectively Witnessing an Injustice
This video provides mental health ideas and resources to cope with racial trauma and social...
How Can Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Be Helpful in these Transformative Times?
This article uses nonviolent communication to reflect on the problem of racism.
The 4 NVC Steps Made Simple
This video outlines basic steps and principles for nonviolent communication (NVC).
Nonviolent Communication: Confronting Racism with Compassion
This article unpacks some causes of racism and explains nonviolent communication as a...
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