652 results for Leadership


7 Creative Models for Community Ministry
This book outlines seven ministry models to serve a local community, detailing the criteria of...
Facilitators, Consultants and Coaches – Which One Do I Need?
This article distinguishes the differences between facilitators, consultants, and coaches to...
How to Start a Nonprofit
This article is a comprehensive overview of the steps for creating a successful nonprofit...
Strategic Planning
This two-page guide examines what to consider when beginning the strategic planning process,...
web resource
Church Planter Candidate Assessment
This assessment helps potential church planters and their respective organizations identify...
Principles for Leaders to Keep in Mind in Merging Congregations
This article lists the eight principles of a successful church merger.
web resource
Church Merger Outline
This web resource, by Pastoral Care, Inc., an ecumenical organization dedicated to providing...
Stories That Stick: How Storytelling Can Captivate Customers, Influence Audiences, and Transform...
This book shares how stories can be used to teach and captivate audiences in congregations.
web resource
Is Your Congregation a Clergy Killer? How Church-goers Matter to the Mental Health of Pastors
This web resource includes a study of 1,500 ministers in the Duke Clergy Health Initiative...
web resource
National Congregations Study
This website for the National Congregations Study provides data and survey results that...
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