325 results for Health


web resource
CXMH Faith and Mental Health Podcast
This podcast, hosted by two mental health professionals, explores the intersection of faith...
web resource
Ministering for Mental Health
This resource page provides practical tools for congregational leaders to support mental...
Indiana's Black Churches Work to Combat Mental Health Crisis
This article describes the faithful and intentional journey of Black Church leaders in...
Three Things Churches Can Do to Change the Mental Health Crisis in America
This article offers three simple but powerful ways that congregations can respond to the...
Church Mental Health Summit
This conference is a one-day virtual event. Recordings are accessilble that are intended...
web resource
Mental Health: A Guide for Faith Leaders
This web resource offers a professional yet succinct overview of mental health issues,...
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
This organization provides mental health resources to support people with addiction and mental...
Mental Health Awareness and the Church
This article helps to identify the root causes of the mental health crisis in America, as...
web resource
22 Bible Verses about Mental Health
Este sitio web proporciona una lista de 22 versículos de la Biblia en...
Mental Health and the Black Church
This article outlines the plight of the African American church specifically after Covid-19...
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