574 results for Specialized Ministries


web resource
Sunday Sermon by Michael Gerson - February 17, 2019
Michael Gerson, who died in November 2022, preaches at the National Cathedral about his...
web resource
Collaborative On Faith And Disabilities
A collaborative website with many resources collected by the Institute of Theology and...
web resource
What Does Spirituality Mean to Us?
This is the Fetzer Institute's study of spirituality in the United States. This report is...
Horizon University
Horizon University is an accredited post-secondary institution that will partner with the...
This software program provides a simple way to turn websites multilingual and to translate,...
Leading Small Groups That Thrive: Five Shifts to Take Your Group to the Next Level
As a result of a large-scale research study, this book provides a data-driven model for...
Legacy Grandparenting Summit
This annual 2 day Conference helps Christian grandparents grow in their role through guest...
Church Clarity
Church Clarity completes website audits regarding a church's communication of their beliefs...
This software offers live streaming and recording from a computer browser, allowing for...
web resource
This software provides professional, easy-to-use templates and original design...
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