73 results for Assessment


When Not to Build: An Architect's Unconventional Wisdom for the Growing Church
This resource asks congregations to assess their needs and explore alternatives before...
The Power of Asset Mapping: How Your Congregation Can Act on Its Gifts
Divided into three sections, this book will help congregations discover their assets ---...
Shepherding the Small Church: A Leadership Guide for the Majority of Today's Churches
This book presents the meaning of church vitality in a new light, and begins a conversation...
Reaching Out in a Networked World: Expressing Your Congregation's Heart and Soul
This book underlines the importance of a congregation's ability to communicate their values,...
Church Marketing 101: Preparing Your Church for Greater Growth
This resource lends practical marketing strategies for congregations, using examples from...
New Life through Shared Ministry: Moving from Volunteering to Mission
This resource examines the shared ministry system as a way for congregations to support lay...
Clergy Sexual Misconduct: A Systems Approach to Prevention, Intervention, and Oversight
This comprehensive book offers a systemic approach to clergy and congregation recovery after...
Student Leaders Start Here: Assessments and Tools to Help You Grow as a Leader
This interactive workbook helps young people discover and celebrate their leadership style and...
web resource
A Parishioner's Guide to Understanding Parish Finances
This document is a tool to evaluate lay people's awareness of congregational finances and...
web resource
Transforming Church Insight (TCI)
This assessment tool provides an evaluation of your congregation's sense of community.
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