147 results for Practices


web resource
The Inclusive Church: Helping Churches Successfully Include Children with Special Needs
This blog is for congregational leaders desiring resources for special needs inclusion,...
The Art of Convening: Authentic Engagement in Meetings, Gatherings, and Conversations
This practical guide offers a new way for leaders to create environments where all members...
The Transforming Center
This organization offers retreats for Christian leaders focused on spiritual formation themes...
More or Less: Choosing a Lifestyle of Excessive Generosity
This lifestyle guide explores the themes of excess and generosity present in daily habits, and...
Worship Matters: A Study for Congregations
This resource combines a case study and practical suggestions regarding worship practices.
web resource
Safety Library: Tips, Tutorials, and Checklists to Help Manage Ministry Risks
Brotherhood Mutual insures many of America's congregations and related ministries. This...
Immortal Diamond: The Search for Our True Self
This deeply theological and spiritual book aims to help readers help their true selves,...
Greening Spaces for Worship and Ministry: Congregations, Their Buildings, and Creation Care
This resource addresses how congregations can begin to treat the earth with sacredness by...
Transformational Groups: Creating a New Scorecard for Groups
This resource presents key principles and practices for dynamic small groups while providing a...
Many Colors: Cultural Intelligence for a Changing Church
This resource uses theory and practice to help congregations understand the dynamics of...
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