73 results for Preaching


Homiletics: Moves and Structures
This book guides congregational leaders in the art of preaching through a step-by-step...
Church Growth from an African American Perspective
This book analyzes the ingredients for growth, providing congregations with the tools to build...
Festival of Homiletics
This annual conference offers extensive workshop options, speakers, and lectures focused on...
Irresistible Church Network (ICN)
The Irresisitible Church Network is a full-service, strategic planning consultant that...
Back to the Basics: A Holistic Approach to Correcting the Stewardship Crisis in the African...
This book diagnoses the root of "stewardship syndrome" and provides solutions like preaching...
web resource
Working Preacher
Working Preacher is a website from Luther Seminary focused on preaching, and, because the...
person person
Pastor Brandon Clack
Pastor Brandon Clack is the Senior Pastor of Reformation Church, Memphis TN, and a...
person person
Bishop Jacqueline McCullough
Bishop Jacqueline McCullough is an international speaker that provides spiritual...
What We Love About the Black Church: Can We Get a Witness?
Written by two long-serving white pastors of Black Churches, this resource is both instructive...
Beyond the Offering Plate: A Holistic Approach to Stewardship
This collection of essays explores themes of stewardship through various lenses using...
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