31 results for Preaching


AEHS Study Day with Stanley Hauerwas: Preaching Without Apology
This video is a lecture about preaching as a vocation and as an act central to worship. ...
Preaching To A Multi-Generational Assembly
This resource offers an in-depth exploration of the challenge of preaching to multiple age...
Introduction to the Practice of African American Preaching
This book explores the history, style, and practice of African American preaching, and...
Town Hall Preaching During Crisis: Igniting Pastoral Imagination in the Face of Fatigue,...
In this video clergy candidly discuss preaching justice and hope during the pandemic and...
Preaching in the Interim: Transitional Leadership in the Latino/a Church
This collection of sermons by an interim pastor highlights the urban Latino/a experience and...
Humor Us! Preaching and the Power of the Comic Spirit
This book provides a framework for Christian preachers to understand the use of comedy in...
The Stewardship Companion: Lectionary Resources for Preaching
Designed for use as a reference, this book provides lectionary resources tied to stewardship...
Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism
This resource uses a two-fold approach to form the basis for a thoughtful and practical guide...
Preaching in the Purple Zone: Ministry in the Red-Blue Divide
This book equips clergy to skillfully preach and facilitate congregational dialogue about...
web resource Updated
Zeteo Preaching and Worship
This web resource provides a searchable collection of articles and websites that can...
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