93 results for Communications


Listening & Caring Skills: A Guide for Groups and Leaders
This practical resource offers suggestions and examples to help readers enhance their...
Anne Curley: Do the Right Thing
This resource teaches lay leaders how to better handle a crisis and promotes collaboration...
This website provides tools and strategies to train and send evangelists to fulfill the Great...
Called to Serve: Creating and Nurturing the Effective Volunteer Board
Formatted as a letter, the author uses his business and nonprofit board experience to discuss...
Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most
This resource outlines the importance of initiating difficult conversations, providing tips on...
web resource
Church Tech Today: Technology for Today's Church
This website views technology as a vehicle for congregations to communicate and also shares...
This organization provides template-based church websites with a suite of other helpful...
The Social Church: A Theology of Digital Communication
This book provides perspective on social media from the viewpoint of Martin Luther and how...
How to Use Facebook Live: The Ultimate Guide
Written by marketers, this comprehensive article has step-by-step instructions to use Facebook...
Social Media Church
This podcast features various church leaders discussing how they use social media to engage...
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