92 results for Communications


Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most
This resource outlines the importance of initiating difficult conversations, providing tips on...
This website provides tools and strategies to train and send evangelists to fulfill the Great...
Anne Curley: Do the Right Thing
This resource teaches lay leaders how to better handle a crisis and promotes collaboration...
The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict
This book is based off a four-part biblical peacemaking method centered around the New...
The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business
This resource promotes organizational health as a way to encourage growth, listing the four...
Community: The Structure of Belonging
This book provides the process and strategy to build a community in a fragmented world.
Bridges: 15 Sessions to Connect Teenagers and Adults on Drugs and Alcohol, Decision-Making,...
This resource contains various sessions and activity options to help facilitate conversations...
Witnessing Whiteness: The Need to Talk About Race and How to Do It
Written by an educator, this book reveals racist tendencies in how we speak, and details the...
web resource
Pastoring in the Digital Parish
This podcast, presented by Rev. Ryan Dunn, a minister of online engagement for United...
Faith Teams
This software offers people management, communications via text and email, online giving,...
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