97 results for Ideas


Postmodern Youth Ministry: Exploring Cultural Shift, Creating Holistic Connections, Cultivating...
This resource explores the shift from modernity to postmodernity, addressing how congregations...
Black Millennials & the Church: Meet Me Where I Am
This collection of African American narratives and statistics offers practical strategies to...
Mental Health Ministries
This organization provides educational resources to help congregations become more caring...
web resource
Church Collaboration
Church Collaboration is a website built by coaching and consulting firm ChurchFuture of...
web resource
Worship Design Studio
This website offers creative ideas and resources to turn worship into an integrated and...
Praying in the Time of COVID-19: How the World's Largest Mosques Adapted
This article demonstrates how prayer and community life can take new forms during pandemic...
web resource
Relational Authority: The State of Religion and Young People 2020
This short, accessible e-book shares implications of research based on 13- to 25-year-olds and...
Big Lessons from Little Places: Faithfulness and the Future in Small Congregations
This book argues that small congregations offer relevant lessons appropriate for any size of...
web resource
Sunday School Center
This website offers Sunday School ideas, helpful advice, and much needed encouragement for...
Transitional Ministry Today: Successful Strategies for Churches and Pastors
This collection of essays promotes a rethinking of the developmental model of interim ministry...
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