128 results for Planning


Parish Evaluation Project (PEP)
This consulting organization provides a large variety of consulting services and is best known...
Being the Church in a Multi-Ethnic Community: Why it Matters and How It Works
This book advocates for the use of the term multi-ethnic, exploring a variety of multi-ethnic...
Why Church Buildings Matter: The Story of Your Space
This concise resource about congregation buildings will help guide conversations on how to...
Church Facility Maintenance
This article offers best practices for maintaining a church facility with the goals of safety...
Fundraising Guide
This guide aids congregational leaders with fundraising planning, such as deciding whether to...
How to Select a Professional Resource
This article equips congregations to select a consultant or outside professional to assist...
web resource
Church Assessment Tool (CAT)
This congregational assessment from provides benchmark data to inform decisions about...
Exponential Next
This organization promotes innovation among congregations by connecting entrepreneurial clergy...
web resource
COVID-19 Grief Guide
This informative resource from the Funeral Service Foundation helps people understand and...
Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World
Ideal for congregations working on strategic planning, this book offers 10 tools that will...
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