103 results for Justice


book Updated
The Coming Revolution in Church Economics: Why Tithes and Offerings Are No Longer Enough, and...
This book can help congregational leaders identify new ways to finance their...
For the City: Proclaiming and Living Out the Gospel
This short but engaging book dives into the work of two urban church planters, detailing...
Black Congregations are Developing Housing on Church Land
This article helps congregations interested in responding to the housing crisis through...
book Updated
Beyond Welcome: Centering Immigrants in Our Christian Response to Immigration
Many American Christians have good intentions, working hard to welcome immigrants with...
Asian American Christian Collaborative
This ecumenical organization highlights various Asian American experiences and provides...
Transform Network
This missional network provides workshops, a national gathering, and online resources focused...
web resource
National Religious Partnership for the Environment
The goal of this website is to express a united commitment to "seek justice and healing for...
Manage Stress and Cultivate Resiliency
This webinar provides mental health practices for coping during COVID-19 and racial unrest.
web resource
Jewish Education - Teaching Emotional Intelligence
This website, by the Founder and President of Orthodox Jewish social justice organization Uri...
web resource
Asiamerica Ministries
The mission of the Episcopal denomination’ s Asiamerica Ministries is to strengthen...
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