203 results for Mental Health


Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church's Mission
This resource challenges, today's Christian church to take seriously Jesus' teachings about...
Leadership and Grief: A Conversation for Pastors
This webinar provides models of grief and lament, coping mechanisms, leadership on trauma...
Interfaith Network on Mental Illness
This organization provides resources for increasing awareness and understanding of mental...
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
This organization provides a free suicide prevention lifeline that offers support for those in...
Comfort My People - A Policy Statement on Serious Mental Illness with Study Guide
Written by the Advisory Committee on Social Witness of the Presbyterian Church, this study...
Beyond the Possible: 50 Years of Creating Radical Change in a Community Called Glide
Told by its two founders, this book recalls stories from Glide Memorial, a United Methodist...
What does it mean for a ministry to be trauma-informed?
This short article gives an overview of trauma-informed organizations and offers six key...
Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA)
ASCA is a national support group for adult survivors of physical, sexual, and emotional child...
Jewish Family and Career Services (JFCS)
JFCS offers a wide range of services in Louisville, KY, to help new Americans on their journey...
Church Health Reader
The quarterly Church Health Reader recognizes the challenge of maintaining spiritual,...
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