112 results for Pastor


web resource
Emotionally Healthy Discipleship
This website, based on Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (EHS) |...
Vertical Church: What Every Heart Longs For. What Every Church Can Be.
This resource encourages churches to "make the change that changes everything," focusing on...
Digital Disciples
This article looks at how one pastor was able to incorporate technology and social media to...
A Bigger Table: Building Messy, Authentic, and Hopeful Spiritual Community
Through this pastor's story, learn how to confront exclusive attitudes and build inclusive...
The Witness of the Church and a Critical Presidential Election
In this panel discussion, faith leaders discuss human flourishing in America and the...
The Future of the African American Church: An Invitation to Dialogue
Two distinct perspectives, one from a seminary professor and one from a youth pastor, offer...
A Brief Guide to Ministry with LGBTQIA Youth
This book for LGBTQIA-affirming congregations provides ministry guidance and introduces the...
The Other Half of Church: Christian Community, Brain Science and Overcoming Spiritual Stagnation
Discipleship Pastor Michael Hendricks shares how brain science changed the way he approaches...
web resource
Church Hospitality Audit
The Hospitality Audit is a free web resource designed by Chris Walker, Presbyterian pastor and...
Not Your Parent's Offering Plate: A New Vision for Financial Stewardship
This book teaches leaders how to cast a vision of generosity that empowers congregations to...
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