1769 results for Education And Awareness


Meditations of the Heart
This classic collection of meditations provide clergy and laity with a source of inspiration...
Born of Water, Born of Spirit: Supporting the Ministry of the Baptized in Small Congregations
This resource reveals the potential for collaborative ministry within small congregations and...
Tomorrow's Synagogue Today: Creating Vibrant Centers of Jewish Life
This resource contemplates the identity of the synagogue as a religious center for Jewish...
Empowering Laity, Engaging Leaders: Tapping the Root for Ministry
This practical resource gives readers helpful approaches and suggestions for engaging laity in...
Hayim Herring Consulting
This consulting group helps synagogues with planning, organizational renewal, decision-making,...
The JGirl's Guide: The Young Jewish Woman's Handbook for Coming of Age
This resource compiles voices from scripture, tradition, and from women past and present to...
God's Graffiti: Inspiring Stories for Teens
This resource turns to scripture for examples of people who encountered and overcame difficult...
Many Colors: Cultural Intelligence for a Changing Church
This resource uses theory and practice to help congregations understand the dynamics of...
Relational Judaism: Using the Power of Relationships to Transform the Jewish Community
Based on research from more than 100 interviews and site visits, this resource offers best...
Black Church Studies: An Introduction
This resource considers core aspects of the Black Church, providing insight into its history,...
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