1848 results for Education And Awareness


web resource
Smart Church Management
The website includes articles on administration, staffing, leadership, human resources, and...
Please Pass the Faith: The Art of Spiritual Grandparenting
This resource looks at the role grandparenting plays in passing faith to future generations,...
Simply in Season Children's Cookbook
This book seeks to restore a relationship between children and their food, offering wisdom and...
Brim: Creative Overflow in Worship Design
This book on worship planning presents resources and exercises to engage the creative process...
Faith Formation in Adulthood
This resource combines theoretical and practical information to cover what a congregation...
web resource
Catholic Rural Life
This website offers free resources for rural and small town congregations to address outreach,...
The Land That Calls Me Home: Connecting God's People to God's Land through God's Church
Based on the author's experience within a rural congregation, this resource explores the...
Go the Distance
Part of a three-book series, this specific resource focuses on volunteers and covers topics...
Flying in the Face of Tradition: Listening to the Lived Experience of the Faithful
This resource critiques the Roman Catholic church with love and grace, diagnosing its...
Kaleidoscope Institute
This organization provides training, week-long workshops, and consulting on a variety of...
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