52 results for College Transition Project


Project on Religion & Urban Culture and Public Teaching Project: Resources
This video project provides data on topics congregations often face in their communities.
Construction Cost is Only Part of the Church Project Budget
This straightforward article lists the phases of a building project and highlights costs to...
web resource
The Lift Project
Offered by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, this is a 10-week multicomponent...
Raising the Roof: The Pastoral-to-Program Size Transition
Easy-to-use, this resource is designed to help congregational learning teams make a transition...
Projects That Matter: Successful Planning and Evaluation for Religious Organizations
This book describes a six-step process for designing and implementing a project evaluation,...
web resource
The Story of Stuff Project
This web resource, provided by Annie Leonard, details her Story of Stuff Project and has added...
Spiritual Formation in Emerging Adulthood: A Practical Theology for College and Young Adult Ministry
This research-based book looks at the practical and spiritual implications of emerging...
A Church on the Move: 52 Ways to Get Mission and Mercy in Motion
This book shares ways to renew Roman Catholic parishes, ranging from paying college students...
Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Your Kids
This research-based resource identifies steps leaders and parents can take to help students...
Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens Through the Twenties
This resource presents a picture of emerging adult life, looking at the five common markers...
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