62 results for Companionship Training


Caring Congregations
Curator Doug Hanner
3 resources
Leading Small Groups
Curator Marie Fleming
4 resources


No Stigmas Ally Training
This organization is created by NoStigmas, a nonprofit organization. It is a 3-module,...
The Church Multiplication Training Center
This organization provides training programs for existing congregations to refocus their...
Risking Connection in Faith Communities: A Training Curriculum for Faith Leaders Supporting...
This training curriculum looks at the spiritual and psychological effects of trauma to help...
Interim Ministry Network
This organization provides training for clergy, intentional interims, or interim consultants...
Christian Stewardship Network
This organization aims to connect stewardship pastors and congregational leaders through an...
web resource
UUA Worship For Transformation Training
This Worship Arts training is a web resource presented by Rev. Erika Hewitt for UU...
Center for Congregational Health, Inc.
This organization provides consulting and leadership training in a wide variety of areas,...
Indiana Coalition to End Sexual Assault
A go-to resource for sexual assault response training, this organization provides information...
Black Baptist Church and Interim Ministry
This 35-minute video features Dr. Kilen Gray presenting about pastoral transitions,...
Cultivating Nonviolence, Harvesting Peace
This training prepares participants to respond to personal and societal conflict with...
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