21 results for Generations


Generational Discipleship in the Age of COVID
Curator Christina Embree
8 resources


Congregational Connections: Uniting Six Generations in the Church
This book examines the differences and needs of the six generations that make up...
Not Safe For Church: Ten Commandments For Reaching New Generations
Using the Old and New Testament, this book provides readers with ten practices or...
One Church, Four Generations: Understanding and Reaching All Ages in Your Church
This book describes the various traits of the four generations that comprise today's churches,...
Gen2Gen: Sharing Jesus Across the Generations
This compilation of articles examines issues and trends relating to developing...
Lifelong Faith: Formation for All Ages and Generations
This practical guide invigorates discipleship by helping faith leaders develop goals,...
Faith Formation Across the Generations
This article describes various aspects of intergenerational learning. Topics include the...
Honoring the Generations: Learning with Asian North American Congregations
This resource explores opportunities for ministry in the Asian North American Christian...
New Wine, New Wineskins: How African American Congregations Can Reach New Generations
This resource notes the historic role of the African American church and challenges...
Reaching People Under 30 while Keeping People Over 60: Creating Community Across Generations
This book speaks to the intergenerational gap and offers suggestions for bridging divides...
Reimagining Faith Formation for the 21st Century: Engaging All Ages and Generations
This book offers a conceptual framework for faith formation in a changing world. Practical...
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