19 results for Grief


Navigating Loss, Grief, and Pastoral Care during the Pandemic
Curator Kate White
5 resources
Responding to Mass Violence
Curator Kate White
9 resources


Good Grief
This resource serves as a guide through the stages of grief, whether from large or small...
Leadership and Grief: A Conversation for Pastors
This webinar provides models of grief and lament, coping mechanisms, leadership on trauma...
How People of Color Can Experience Grief Differently Than White People
This online article describes the fact that marginalized communities are affected by loss...
The Unbroken Circle: A Toolkit for Congregations Around Illness, End of Life, and Grief
This toolkit envisions how a comprehensive care ministry might work, helping faith communities...
The Good Funeral: Death, Grief, and the Community of Care
This resource provides insight into how a community of faith can help others experience fully...
web resource
COVID-19 Grief Guide
This informative resource from the Funeral Service Foundation helps people understand and...
web resource
SAMHSA Information for Faith-Based and Community Leaders: Publications and Digital Products
SAMHSA is a wealth of information and practical tools related to Substance Abuse and Mental...
Stephen Ministries
This organization provides resources and training for congregations to establish a ministry of...
web resource
Sisters in Loss
This community, led by Erica McAfee, supports Black women who have experienced grief and...
Asher, My Son: A Year in the Life of a Childless Father
This book shares a father's experience and complex grief after having a stillborn son.
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