8 results for Job Searches


web resource
This job search database allows congregations to post job opportunities and helps candidates...
Pastor, Staff, and Committee Job Description Book
Written by the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board, this free download provides sample job...
Before You Hire a Youth Pastor: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding the Right Fit
This book offers how-to information to hire a youth pastor, ranging from sample job...
web resource
This survey-based data bank provides employee salary information for more than 100 job titles...
web resource
This free website contains job postings from a variety of ministry positions.
Bivocational Pastors
This brief video from PBS looks at the challenges and opportunities that arise when the pastor...
A Pastor's Toolbox 2: More Management Skills for Parish Leadership
This all-encompassing guidebook explains how to manage a parish, addressing issues ranging...
Veritas Professional Development
This organization works with businesses, nonprofits, and churches on leadership development...
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