9 results for Meaning


Theology and Your Congregation
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources


Giving a Life Meaning: How to Lead Funerals, Memorial Services, and Celebrations of Life
This book provides practical tools for anyone leading a funeral service for the first time.
Young Children and Worship
This book introduces a Montessori-style curriculum for children, connecting their capacity...
web resource
Kveller: A Jewish Twist on Parenting
Kveller.com is a website for "information and inspiration that is right for your...
Shepherding the Small Church: A Leadership Guide for the Majority of Today's Churches
This book presents the meaning of church vitality in a new light, and begins a conversation...
Sacred Stories, Spiritual Tribes: Finding Religion in Everyday Life
This resource unpacks the meaning of the phrase "spiritual but not religious," providing a...
Midrash: Reading the Bible with Question Marks
This resource defines and explores the meaning of Midrash --- a method of interpreting...
The New Copernicans Series
This series of short videos explores the nuances of faith, meaning, and everyday life in the...
web resource
Motivational Interviewing (MINT)
This website contains a directory of trained, independently operating Motivational...
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