9 results for News


web resource
Religion News Service
The website, associated with the Religion News Service (RNS), strives to be a single source of...
The Social Media Gospel: Sharing the Good News in New Ways
Written by a church communications professional, this step-by-step guide explains how and why...
web resource
Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly
Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly's website summarizes and adds to the television broadcast, which...
Coping While Black: A Season of Traumatic News Takes a Psychological Toll
This article describes how racism can cause post-traumatic stress which in turn can affect...
web resource
My Jewish Learning
My Jewish Learning is a one-stop resource for individuals and families looking for information...
The New Adapters: Shaping Ideas to Fit Your Congregation
This book focuses on a model of church-revitalization that keeps "good news to the poor"...
web resource
Secure Community Network
This website provides news updates and education to safeguard Jewish communities and families....
web resource
Church & Culture
This website explores how daily news topics intersect with congregational life.
Houses Of Worship, the Vaxxed And Unvaxxed Divide
This 3-minute news story shares how pastors in Nashville, TN, are managing vaccinations and...
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