10 results for Play


Clergy Health
Curator Doug Hanner
5 resources


The Spiritual Guidance of Children: Montessori, Godly Play, and the Future
This resource adapts Montessori methods of education to religious education of children,...
The Church has a Role to Play in Implementing COVID Vaccine
This article explores biblical reasons to support the COVID-19 vaccine with actionable steps...
Thema Bryant: Churches play a crucial role in providing mental health support and advocating for...
This interview with American Psychological Association President and AME elder Thema Bryant...
Discover Your Conflict Management Style
This resource will help the reader identify their conflict management tendencies before...
Welcome Them Home, Help Them Heal
This resource combines the authors' military, medical, and faith backgrounds to address the...
The Hidden Lives of Congregations: Discerning Church Dynamics
This book takes leaders below the surface to unpack the corporate nature of church...
The New Parish: How Neighborhood Churches are Transforming Mission, Discipleship and Community
This resource identifies the church as a solution to cultural individualism, arguing that...
The Church and Families of Children with Special Needs
This panel discussion considers what role parishioners, lay leaders, and clergy can play to...
organization Updated
Play and Park Structures
This organization focuses on creating custom playground designs. Based in Tennessee, Play...
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