100 results for Presenting Online


Church Online Giving
Curator the CRG Team
8 resources


Sustainable Youth Ministry: Why Most Youth Ministry Doesn't Last and What Your Church Can Do...
This resource acts as a guide for congregations struggling with youth ministry, presenting a...
Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue
This resource explores aspects of Bowen Family Theory using stories from the author's family...
Black Baptist Church and Interim Ministry
This 35-minute video features Dr. Kilen Gray presenting about pastoral transitions,...
Out of Silence: Emerging Themes in Asian American Churches
Based on interviews, research, and surveys, this resource considers three types of Asian...
Friendship at the Margins: Discovering Mutuality in Service and Mission
This resource offers congregations various ways to reflect upon and reconsider how they...
Houses of Worship Grapple with Future of Online Services
This article looks at congregational decision about continuing online services.
The Distanced Church: Reflections on Doing Church Online
This e-book compiles experiences, tips, and advice from faith leaders who adapted to online...
Faith Online: Nonviolent Communication and Cultivating Empathy
This article articulates positive uses of nonviolent communication in online communication...
Making Amazing Live Online Learning
In this Trending in Education podcast episode, expert Adi Hanash highlights the benefits of...
This comprehensive app and online engagement platform helps ministries connect with...
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