13 results for Stigma


Reducing Mental Health Stigma in Faith Communities
Curator Rose Jackson-Beavers
3 resources
The Stigma Of Mental Health
Curator the CRG Team
16 resources


A New State of Mind - Ending the Stigma of Mental Illness
This hour-long documentary details the stories of everyday people while breaking through the...
Fifteen Steps Out of Darkness: The Way of the Cross for People on the Journey of Mental Illness
This collection of 15 stories from a community health organization in Maryland describes...
web resource
Black Mental Health: What You Need to Know
This resource provides an overview of how stigma about mental health impacts Black...
Making Space at the Well
This book helps Black congregations understand the cultural stigma of seeking mental health...
web resource
Standing in the Shadow of Love: The Role of the Black Church in Youth Suicide Prevention
This web resource, provided by Psychology Professor and Pastor Dr. Sherry Davis Molock,...
Ministry with Prisoners and Families: The Way Forward
This edited volume equips congregations to form a response to the impact of incarceration on...
Thema Bryant: Churches play a crucial role in providing mental health support and advocating for...
This interview with American Psychological Association President and AME elder Thema Bryant...
Mental Health and the Church: A Ministry Handbook for Including Children and Adults with ADHD,...
This book presents a simple, flexible model for mental health inclusion ministry for...
book Updated
HIDDEN: Mental Health Hides Out in the Church
This book equips congregational leaders with the tools needed to address and support mental...
Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries
This organization offers congregations faith-based resources and training to support mental...
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