17 results for Data


web resource
The Association of Religion Data Archives
This web resource, provided by the Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA), is the best...
Engaging Young Adults
This data-packed report contains a summary of factors essential for improving young adult...
Leading Small Groups That Thrive: Five Shifts to Take Your Group to the Next Level
As a result of a large-scale research study, this book provides a data-driven model for...
web resource
Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations
This website shares timely data about U.S. congregations and how they are impacted by...
The American Mosque 2020: Growing and Evolving
This statistical study provides data about U.S. mosques, dispelling misconceptions and...
How Online Giving Helps Fund Ministry
This webinar shares data, trends, and practical strategies to transition to online giving.
Bio-Ethical Questions about COVID Vaccines
This Christianity Today article provides data, historical context, and Christian perspectives...
web resource
U.S. Religion During COVID-19
This page provides data and research findings from Faith Communities Today to help...
Project on Religion & Urban Culture and Public Teaching Project: Resources
This video project provides data on topics congregations often face in their communities.
Faith Communities Today (FACT)
This multifaith research coalition shares data and statistics about vital congregational...
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