81 results for Mental Health Crisis


Essential Tools for Ministry
Curator Matt Burke
5 resources


Three Things Churches Can Do to Change the Mental Health Crisis in America
This article helps congregations address the mental health crisis by offering practical,...
Indiana's Black Churches Work to Combat Mental Health Crisis
This article describes the faithful and intentional journey of Black Church leaders in...
Kids on the Edge
This article and video produced by an Indianapolis television network explores the rise in...
Mental Health in the Church & Community
This book provides information regarding mental illness and mental health conditions and...
web resource
United Methodist Church's Promoting Health and Wholeness
An online resource for the holistic well being of all people, mental, physical and...
person person
Porras, Sixto
This resource person is a speaker, author, and National Director in the Focus on the Family...
person person
Freddy DeAnda
FreddyDeAnda es un pastor latino, autor, orador y podcaster sobre relaciones, bienestar...
web resource
22 Bible Verses about Mental Health
Este sitio web proporciona una lista de 22 versículos de la Biblia en...
web resource
The Best Articles on Self-Care in the Church
This webpage highlights the best-curated articles on self-care while employed by a church.
Why Am I? (YMI) Faith and Mental Health
This website called YMI (which stands for Why Am I?) is a platform for Christian young...
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