
Navigating the Church Facility Journey
This episode of the Church Leadership Lab series provides insights on planning, designing,...
web resource
Protecting Places of Worship: Six Steps to Enhance Security Against Targeted Violence | CISA
This document outlines actions that faith-based organizations and community leaders can...
Nonprofit Security Grant Program
This grant provides funding support for target hardening and other physical security...
Strategic Planning: Management Within the Local Church
This book supports congregational leaders who are looking to effectively build...
Tobi Johnson & Associates
This organization can help congregations build their volunteer capacity by working with...
The Small Rural Church Social Media Blueprint
This video podcast episode shares both introductory and advanced social media tips that...
Building Welcoming Communities: Integration Strategies from Faith Organizations
Immigrant Learning Center Public Education Institute Director Denzil Mohammed moderates a...
web resource
Community Integration Toolkit
The Community Integration Toolkit offers informational content and accompanying worksheets...
web resource
Peoples Next Door: How to Develop Teams in Your Local Chuch for People Group Discovery and...
This guide helps congregations find and engage international groups in their communities....
web resource
Congregational Accompaniment Project for Asylum Seekers: Handbook for Congregations
This handbook provides an overview of the asylum-seeker accompaniment process, information...
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