538 results for Resource


Bridges: 15 Sessions to Connect Teenagers and Adults on Drugs and Alcohol, Decision-Making,...
This resource contains various sessions and activity options to help facilitate conversations...
Anne Curley: Do the Right Thing
This resource teaches lay leaders how to better handle a crisis and promotes collaboration...
web resource
Art in the Christian Tradition
This web resource includes a database from The Jean and Alexander Heard Library of Vanderbilt...
web resource
Four Ways Churches Break Attendance Barriers
This web resource details four ways congregations can experience an increase in worship...
web resource
Community Health Ministry Viewpoints – Parish Nursing
This web resource provides a video which explains the importance of parish nurses, portrays...
Local Church Planned Giving Manual
This practical UCC resource helps congregationas develop and manage a planned giving ministry....
web resource
Jewish Lights Publishing: Children's Books
This web resource provides books which take on universal topics like grief and loss,...
web resource
Megachurch Resources
If you are curious about megachurches or are involved in one, the Megachurch Resource...
web resource
Let All Creation Praise
This ecumenical website resource includes a focus on "God the creator, Christ the redeemer of...
Energize, Inc.
This comprehensive website provides information to manage volunteers and programs through...
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