23 results for Study Guide


In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership
This short book provides a framework for Christian leadership from its temptations to...
Change the World: Recovering the Message and Mission of Jesus
This video details the story of how one congregation in Ohio has grown into a vital ministry...
God and Race: A Guide for Moving Beyond Black Fists and White Knuckles
This book models how to start necessary conversations about race, encourage unity, and foster...
The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery
This resource uses the Enneagram personality assessment to help individuals discover and...
Claiming Earth as Common Ground: The Ecological Crisis through the Lens of Faith
This collections of essays calls for urgent and cooperative action among disparate faith...
Leadership That Fits Your Church: What Kind of Pastor for What Kind of Congregation
This e-book explores the challenges of pastoral leadership and provides clarity surrounding...
Doing Justice: Congregations and Community Organizing
This book explores community organizing at the congregational level, providing theological...
Dreaming of More for the Next Generation: Lifetime Faith Ignited by Family Ministry
Scripturally-based, this book equips congregations to attend to the family as the center of...
Liberating Hope: Daring to Renew the Mainline Church
This resource combats the widespread loss of church participants by calling on congregations...
Making Peace With the Land: God's Call to Reconcile with Creation
This resource urges readers to respond to the present and future challenges of sustaining life...
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