59 results for Model


MissioRelate: Becoming a Church of Missional Small Groups
This resource looks at the future of small group ministry and offers the missional church...
Different Forms of Church Government
This article empowers congregations to explore different systems of church governance and...
Formational Children's Ministry: Shaping Children Using Story, Ritual, and Relationship
This resource presents a new model for how churches can equip children through faith...
Deep & Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend
This book argues that congregations should focus on designing their church for the unchurched,...
Friendship at the Margins: Discovering Mutuality in Service and Mission
This resource offers congregations various ways to reflect upon and reconsider how they...
More Collaboration, Fewer Buildings? Post-COVID
In this article, Jewish communities share practical strategies to refocus resources and...
The Guide to New Church Models
This compilation of essays and interviews looks at seven novel ways that congregations are...
Leading Congregations Through Crisis
Using real-life examples, this book offers advice on how to navigate the congregation through...
Transitional Ministry Today: Successful Strategies for Churches and Pastors
This collection of essays promotes a rethinking of the developmental model of interim ministry...
Biblical Foundations for Small Group Ministry: An Integrational Approach
This resource provides a biblically-based theological framework for small group ministry.
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