34 results for Vision


From A Mustard Seed: Enlivening Worship and Music in the Small Church
Designed for small membership Christian congregations, this resource explores new ways...
Church Recovery Guide: Adapt and Thrive After a Crisis
This short book provides advice and steps to lead a congregation through crisis. These...
Stewardship for Vital Congregations
This resource connects purpose and vision with stewardship towards the goal of a thriving...
The Spirituality of Welcoming: How to Transform Your Congregation into a Sacred Community
This resource offers a compelling vision for how synagogues can become vibrant spiritual...
web resource
Small-Church Pastors Adapt and Recover Kit (SPARK)
During the pandemic, this webpage helps small membership church leaders to adapt and recover...
The Hidden Lives of Congregations: Discerning Church Dynamics
This book takes leaders below the surface to unpack the corporate nature of church...
Transforming Church in Rural America
Based on the experiences of the author as a rural pastor, this book dispels false assumptions...
Rich Church, Poor Church: Keys to Effective Financial Ministry
This resource clarifies the issues that make stewardship so challenging in modern times,...
Church Marketing 101: Preparing Your Church for Greater Growth
This resource lends practical marketing strategies for congregations, using examples from...
Imagining Abundance: Fundraising, Philanthropy, and a Spiritual Call to Service
This guide contains ways to encourage giving by focusing on a spiritual call to service.
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