90 results for Mental Health Ministries


Mental Health and the Church: Seeking the Whole Story
This article offers a solution to the mental health crisis in which the church has a...
Mental Health and the Black Church
This article outlines the plight of the African American church specifically after Covid-19...
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
This organization provides hope, help, support, and education to improve the lives of...
web resource
Black and African American Communities and Mental Health
This website provides an overview of mental health issues in Black and African American...
Full Strength Network
This organization provides tools and resources for the mental health and well-being of...
Leading on Empty: Refilling Your Tank and Renewing Your Passion
This book can help congregational leaders avoid or recover from burnout. With 30 years of...
Unshakable You: 5 Choices of Emotionally Healthy People
This book can help congregations develop emotionally healthy mindsets. Author John...
web resource
Creating a Healthier Life: A Step-by-Step Guide to Wellness
This digital guide can help congregations provide programming and resources that support...
Sacred Rest
In Sacred Rest, Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, a board-certified internal medicine doctor,...
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing
This membership organization drives policy and social change for mental health and...
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