149 results for Black


Michelle Singletary
This national speaker teaches congregations about economic development, wealth building, and...
How to Fight Racism
Award-winning author Jemar Tisby provides tools for Christians to discuss and take action...
Taking Off the Masks: Telling Our Story and Giving God the Glory
This memoir explores self-worth and low self-esteem, sharing the author’ s story to...
Christian Principles for Managing Money
This book is often used by congregations to create financial literacy courses for members.
The 21 Day Financial Fast
This text is often used for financial literacy courses in local congregations.
Bottled Up Inside: African American Teens and Depression
This book helps youth workers navigate mental health issues among African American teens. ...
Urban Youth Workers Institute
This organization provides training and resources for effective ministry within communities...
web resource
This website offers African American resources for a wide range of denominations and...
Church Planting in the African American Community
This resource brings unique insights into the difficult process of successful church planting,...
web resource
dFree Foundation
This 12-step program provides interactive tools to become debt-free and avoid financial...
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