93 results for Information Technology


This tech organization supports nonprofits with IT training, consulting, and general...
web resource
8 Top Church App Providers
This article reviews mobile apps by rating their ease of use, explaining features, and listing...
Digital Ecclesiology: A Global Conversation
Reflecting on the rise of online congregational life, this e-book explores theological...
web resource
Creation Swap
This website offers media assets for congregational use including video, motion graphics,...
Creating Church Online with Tim Hutchings
This interview explores common questions about building online communities and how virtual...
Less Chaos. Less Noise: Effective Communications for an Effective Church
Written by a communications expert, this book sharpens congregational practices to better...
web resource
Pro Church Tools
This hub for digital media provides training, tutorials, free templates and tools for...
Digital Disciples
This article looks at how one pastor was able to incorporate technology and social media to...
Streaming Tips for Everyone from Beginners to Pros
This article provides a quick tutorial on how to live stream.
How to Moderate Talks, Panels, Meetings, More (Virtual and Beyond!)
This podcast episode explains how to moderate discussions and present at meetings in online...
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