27 results for Wisdom


Leading Small Groups
Curator Marie Fleming
4 resources
Innovation: the Discipline of Newness
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources


Christian Practical Wisdom: What It Is, Why It Matters
This resource combines theology and practical suggestions to make a case for practical wisdom,...
Increasing Wholeness: Jewish Wisdom and Guided Meditations to Strengthen and Calm Body, Heart,...
This book draws on Jewish wisdom and psychology to help readers achieve inner wholeness.
In Search of Wisdom: Faith Formation in the Black Church
Composed of eight essays, this resource uses biblical texts, African traditions, and...
You Are Not Alone: The NAMI Guide to Navigating Mental Health with Advice from Experts and Wisdom...
This book is a resource for individuals and families seeking evidence based support...
The Wisdom of Group Decisions: 100 Principles and Practical Tips for Collaboration
This slim guide offers principles and accompanying tips that can easily be applied to any form...
Fulfilled: Living and Leading With Unusual Wisdom, Peace, and Joy
This resource seeks to lessen the stresses of pastoral leadership, offering three traits ---...
A Heart of Wisdom: Making the Jewish Journey from Midlife through the Elder Years
This collection of essays offers Jewish perspectives on aging, ranging from intergenerational...
The Wisdom of Your Body: Finding Healing, Wholeness, and Connection through Embodied Living
This psychology-based book explores embodiment, the practice of living freely and wholly,...
When Not to Build: An Architect's Unconventional Wisdom for the Growing Church
This resource asks congregations to assess their needs and explore alternatives before...
Preaching in the Interim: Transitional Leadership in the Latino/a Church
This collection of sermons by an interim pastor highlights the urban Latino/a experience and...
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