19 results for Design


Human-Centered Design: Exchanging Pews for Strollers
Curator Victoria Sun Esparza
2 resources


The National Association of Church Design Builders (NACDB)
This organization provides congregations with information about the Design/Build method of...
Conexus Design
This organization is an architectural firm that offers contract planning and design...
The Aspen Group: Church Design Builder
This architecture firm helps congregations discover, envision, and design space for...
Moments of Impact: How to Design Strategic Conversations That Accelerate Change
This resource helps readers design an agenda that will lead to new options and changed...
web resource
Worship Design Studio
This website offers creative ideas and resources to turn worship into an integrated and...
Brim: Creative Overflow in Worship Design
This book on worship planning presents resources and exercises to engage the creative process...
Taking Flight with Creativity: Worship Design Teams That Work
This resource tackles the ins and outs of vibrant worship, and provides suggestions on how to...
Who Does What? A Guide to Design Professionals in Preservation
This article equips congregations to determine what type of building professional to hire...
Redesigning Worship: Creating Powerful God Experiences
This resource covers a variety of topics related to contemporary worship, including the...
Principles for Online Ritual Design
This practical guide helps congregants create their own sacred spaces and rituals from home...
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