19 results for Holistic


Wellness Ministry
Curator Kelly Minas
6 resources


Postmodern Youth Ministry: Exploring Cultural Shift, Creating Holistic Connections, Cultivating...
This resource explores the shift from modernity to postmodernity, addressing how congregations...
Back to the Basics: A Holistic Approach to Correcting the Stewardship Crisis in the African...
This book diagnoses the root of "stewardship syndrome" and provides solutions like preaching...
Beyond the Offering Plate: A Holistic Approach to Stewardship
This collection of essays explores themes of stewardship through various lenses using...
Smart Compassion: How to Stop "Doing Outreach" and Start Making Change
This guide offers congregations a relationship-rich model for community ministry that can...
Increasing Wholeness: Jewish Wisdom and Guided Meditations to Strengthen and Calm Body, Heart,...
This book draws on Jewish wisdom and psychology to help readers achieve inner wholeness.
Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries
This organization offers congregations faith-based resources and training to support mental...
web resource Updated
Mitigating Attacks on Houses of Worship Security Guide
This online resource is a comprehensive security guide that provides a detailed look into...
Wrestling with Our Inner Angels: Faith, Mental Illness, and the Journey to Wholeness
This book explores the link between spirituality and mental health recovery.
This software package provides congregations with a single application for managing money,...
Entrusted: A Guide to Intentional Church Facility Stewardship
This book helps congregational leaders develop a holistic approach to caring for their...
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