183 results for Health


person person
Dr. Jessica Young Brown
Dr. Jessica Young Brown is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who consults with churches on a...
web resource
The Lift Project
Offered by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, this is a 10-week multicomponent...
The Emotionally Healthy Leader
In The Emotionally Healthy Leader, bestselling author Peter Scazzero shows leaders how to...
Reach Hurting Kids Institute
This organization is an interdisciplinary team of researchers, mental health professionals,...
Sacred Rest
In Sacred Rest, Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, a board-certified internal medicine doctor,...
web resource
Creating a Healthier Life: A Step-by-Step Guide to Wellness
This digital guide can help congregations provide programming and resources that support...
Unshakable You: 5 Choices of Emotionally Healthy People
This book can help congregations develop emotionally healthy mindsets. Author John...
Flourishing in Ministry: How to Cultivate Clergy Well-Being
This book can help congregations understand the challenges that clergy face. Author Matt...
It's Time to Reimagine the Church Parking Lot
This article urges congregations to reimagine the use of parking lots. G. Travis Norvell,...
web resource
Reframe Curriculum
This website offers curriculum options for Christian youth ministry leaders who seek...
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