197 results for Community Engagement


Best Practices for Hybrid Engagement
Curator Michael Palmer
3 resources
Bring Your Whole Self
Curator Alma Zaragoza-Petty
5 resources
Worship as the Work of the People
Curator the CRG Team
3 resources
Church Engagement Ideas
Curator Kate White
6 resources
Generational Discipleship in the Age of COVID
Curator Christina Embree
8 resources
End of Life Planning Conversations
Curator Sabrina Gray
4 resources
Healthy Congregations
Curator the CRG Team
11 resources
The Practice of Prayer
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources
Healing Hearts and Souls
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources
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web resource
Strengthening Congregations: Paving the Road to Meaningful Young Adult Engagement
This web report from the 2013-2014 Union of Reform Judaism Young Adult Engagement Community of...
The Relational Judaism Handbook: How to Create a Relational Engagement Campaign to Build and...
This comprehensive guide is grounded in scripture and tradition to help transform...
web resource
Scripture Engagement
The work of Scripture Engagement (available on the Bible Gateway website) comes from Taylor...
web resource
Sustainable Community Development: From What's Wrong to What's Strong
This 18-minute TedTalk frames community engagement positively with compelling stories and...
Making Neighborhoods Whole: A Handbook for Christian Community Development
Based off the work of the Christian Community Development Association, this resource details...
Unite For Change
This Indianapolis-based organization supports community engagement and servant leadership to...
web resource
Vital Synagogues
This blog post reflects on synagogue vitality and the importance of strengthening engagement...
web resource
Asset-Based Community Development Institute
Asset-Based Community Development Institute (ABCD)’ s website shimmers with enthusiasm...
Relational Judaism: Using the Power of Relationships to Transform the Jewish Community
Based on research from more than 100 interviews and site visits, this resource offers best...
The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership (CLAL)
This organization offers leadership training, a think tank for collaborative engagement, and a...
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