13 results for Safe


Essential Guide to Children's Ministry Safety
This resource provides an overview of how to keep children safe, touching on subjects ranging...
Not Safe For Church: Ten Commandments For Reaching New Generations
Using the Old and New Testament, this book provides readers with ten practices or...
article Updated
Practical Advice for Keeping Your Church Safe
This article guides congregational leaders through the "three essentials" that enhance...
article New
11 Step Church Security Checklist To Keep Your Church Safe
This article helps congregations examine an existing security plan or create a new plan....
web resource
Safe Sanctuaries
This United Methodist online resource has links to articles, webinars, and contact information...
Safe Sanctuaries: The Church Responds to Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of Older Adults
This resource provides congregations with information and strategies to protect older members...
Safe Sanctuaries: Reducing the Risk of Abuse in the Church for Children and Youth
This resource tackles the difficult topic of abuse and religious communities --- how to...
web resource
North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY) Bullying Initiative
This website for Jewish youth and leaders contains curricula reviews and recommendations,...
Children's Ministry Check-In and Check-Out Procedures
This article focuses on how to keep children safe while they are in church facilities.
Dealing with Dangerous People
This article helps churches identify dangerous behaviors and outlines strategies for keeping...
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